Consumer credit calculator helps you determine a suitable consumer loan

Calculate the most suitable monthly instalment for you

Our calculators allow you to calculate a credit limit and monthly repayment amount that suit your finances and personal circumstances.

You can use our credit calculator to check which card is the most suitable for you and, once you have the right alternative, you can proceed directly to the application form.

Please note that the calculator only gives an indicative calculation.


Who do we issue cards and grant credit to?

To qualify for a credit card, you need to have a regular income and to have managed your finances well, i.e. you have a clean credit record. You must also be at least 18 years old.

We will base our review of your credit application on an overall evaluation of your circumstances.  We will notify you of our credit decision either on the application form or through Nordea Omaposti. We process all credit applications as quickly as possible and will often give you a decision on the same day.

How can I apply for credit?

  • You can apply for a Mastercard with a credit facility on our website and use the card as soon as you receive it.
  • You can apply for a Tuohi Mastercard directly from us or at the stores of our partners, and once you receive a favourable credit decision, you can make your first purchase on credit.
  • You can apply for eCredit and Joustorahoitus in the physical or online stores of our merchant partners, and once you receive a favourable credit decision, you can make your first purchase on credit.
  • eCredit is a one-time credit with which you can make an individual purchase, while Joustorahoitus is a continuous credit facility with which you can make several separate purchases or transfer cash to your bank account.