Nordea Finance’s OmaLuotto service is available 24/7

In the OmaLuotto service you can manage your credit whenever it suits you. You can log in to the service with your own bank’s online banking codes on your smartphone or tablet as well. Read more about the service features and start using OmaLuotto right away! You can view your loans and credit information and our tariffs on the product page in the OmaLuotto service.

Using the OmaLuotto service you can

  • view your credit account transactions
  • transfer money from your credit account to your bank account
  • select an instalment-free month for your credit
  • change a due date or a monthly repayment amount. 

Read more below about what you can do in the OmaLuotto service and how easily you can start using it with your own bank’s online banking codes.

Most frequently used services

Log in to the service with your bank’s online banking codes. The use of the service is free of charge. You can see the costs charged for some measures made in the service on the product pages. We recommend Google Chrome for using the service.

See how easy OmaLuotto service is

In OmaLuotto service, you can manage your credit matters easily and securely when it best suits you. Watch short video about OmaLuotto.

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What OmaLuotto service is?

As a Joustorahoitus or a credit card customer, you have access to Nordea Finance’s  OmaLuotto service, where you can transfer money to your account and change the due date etc. You can also use the OmaLuotto service easily with your smart phone or tablet.

Log in to OmaLuotto service with your bank’s online banking codes. The use of the service is free of charge. You can see the costs charged for some measures made in the service on the product pages. Click the product name in the adjacent table to get to the product pages. 

Upon the first login, you must read and accept the service’s terms of use, after which the service will be available to you whenever you need it, also as a mobile service.

Money from your credit to your bank account

You can transfer money from your credit to your bank account by making a money transfer, if you so prefer.  The amount of the money transfer will be in your bank account within a few days, depending on the bank with which you have your account.  

We charge the fees subject to the tariff for the money transfer. The amount transferred may be any amount permitted by the available balance on your credit account. 

You can transfer money from your credit to your own bank account with a Finnish bank. The transferred amount is instantly available in a Nordea account and within two days in another bank’s account. When making the money transfer, you can save your account number in the service for next time you want to make a transfer.

Just follow the steps below:

  1. Select ‘Transfer money’ from the menu or on the front page.
  2. Select the credit if you have multiple credits.
  3. Choose the amount to be transferred from the credit. You can see the transferrable funds available above ‘Transfer money’.
  4. Fill in the number of your account with a Finnish bank in the IBAN format (FI XXXXXXXXXXX). If you don't know what your account number is in the IBAN format, you can convert it here.
  5. If you wish, you can write your name as the recipient’s name and a note for yourself as a reminder. Filling in these fields is not mandatory and you can leave them blank if you so prefer.
  6. Click ‘Transfer’.
  7. Confirm the money transfer with your online banking codes.

View the invoicing details of your credit

On the Invoices page, you can view the invoicing details of your credit, for example, if you prefer to make a repayment to your credit account before the due date. You can also see the upcoming minimum payment and the due date. Please note that you cannot pay any invoices in the OmaLuotto service.

Send a message to customer service

For the time being, you can’t send messages in the OmaLuotto service, so if you want to contact our customer service, you will need to use the Nordea Omaposti service.

Nordea Omaposti is your digital mailbox
Nordea Omaposti is a secure channel for sending messages to us and for receiving and signing documents. You can log in to Omaposti with the online banking codes of your bank or with the Mobile ID. Nordea Omaposti is a different service from OmaLuotto despite the similar name. Using the link below is one way to log in to Nordea Omaposti.
Log in to Nordea OmapostiOpens new window

Online payments and geographical usage area

You can determine the geographical area where your card can be used and enable online payments for your card for shopping online. Changing these settings is easy and free of charge – and the changes you make will apply immediately.

Please note! Restricting the usage area of your card does not disable online payments. Before travelling, you should also check that your settings will not prevent you from using your card in your destination.

Select ‘Credit account settings’ from the menu in the service and then section ‘Card use on the Internet’ or ‘Allowed regions’.

How to pay safely online

  • Check that you have enabled online payments for your card and that your selected geographical usage area does not prevent you from making payments at an online shop that operates abroad.
  • Check that the URL starts with “https” and displays a padlock icon in the browser bar to ensure the website is secure.
  • Read the delivery and service terms and conditions of the online shop carefully. If the website doesn’t have any information about the seller, doesn’t allow returns or charges exceptionally high costs, find to a different shop.
  • If you haven’t bought anything from the same online shop before, we recommend paying with credit. Secure websites use verified solutions such as Mastercard Identity Check for encryption and authentication of card payments. This is done to verify the identity of both the buyer and the seller when a transaction is made.
  • Nordea ID app is a convenient way to deliver strong authentication. You can also activate the app with the online banking codes of another bank if you’re not a Nordea customer. Read more about strong authentication.
  • If you don’t receive a product or a service you bought online, contact the seller first. If you can’t settle the matter with them, file a card complaint with your bank and request a refund.

Update ‘My details’ and create shortcuts

  1. Contact information If your contact information changes, such as your address, you do not have to report it to us, as we will receive it directly from the Population Information System. But if your phone number changes, you should update it under ‘My details’. This is because in some cases we will send you a confirmation code in an SMS – for example, as a functionality adding to the security of your online purchases.
  2. Shortcuts If you prefer navigating from the OmaLuotto front page directly to a functionality you use often, you can define shortcuts under ‘My details’. 
  3. Give a name to your credit account and card For instance, if you have more than one credit, you can name them as you like. It will then be easier to make a distinction between them in menus and on the front page, for example.
  4. Bank account number required for money transfers If you have transferred money and at the same saved the account number you used for a future need, you can change the account number here as well. 

Termination of credit

No need for credit any longer?

You should first consider whether it would be good to have the credit in reserve for future situations. No costs are charged on the credit if you do not have any invoiceable credit balance. 

If you still prefer to terminate your credit, you can do it in OmaLuotto under ‘Credit account settings’ by selecting ‘Terminate this credit’. If you have more than one credit agreement, please check that you have selected above the menu the one you want to terminate.  

Overpayment on your credit account

If you have overpaid your credit account (for example, when paying off your outstanding balance), you can either use the excess to pay for your card purchases as usual or request it to be refunded to your bank account. If you are the only borrower, you can make this request in your credit account settings. You will only see the form for requesting a refund in your credit account settings if there’s an overpayment on your credit account. 

Once you have submitted your request, we will refund the excess to the bank account you have stated as soon as possible. The final amount of the refund may differ from the one communicated beforehand if there have been new debits, refunds or other transactions in your credit account in the meantime. If there is no longer an excess in your credit account at the time the refund is processed, no refund will be made. You can check the transactions in your credit account on the front page.

I have an overpayment on my credit account. How do I get the excess money back?

If you have overpaid your credit card account (the available balance exceeds your credit limit), you can either use the excess to pay for your card purchases as usual or request it to be refunded to your bank account. If you are the only borrower, you can make this request in your credit account settings. Go to the shortcuts at the bottom of the front page or open the menu on the upper right corner and select “Credit account settings”. At the bottom of this page, you will find a form for requesting a refund. Please state your bank account number in the IBAN format in your request. You need to be the account holder to request a refund. The excess balance shown in the OmaLuotto service will be updated on the next banking day after we have refunded the excess to your bank account. The request for a refund will then also be removed from the service.

If there are two borrowers, both of you must send a request with the same content via Nordea Omaposti. The accountholder must be one of the borrowers. You can log in to Nordea Omaposti at with the online banking codes you have from your bank.

Please note that if you transfer the excess to your bank account yourself in the OmaLuotto service, the usual fees for a transfer will apply.