Confirmation of online purchases with Mastercard
Strong identification will be required for all online payments exceeding 30 euros that are made with Mastercards. Strong identification means that payments can no longer be made with a card number and CVC code alone, but the customer must provide strong identification using the Nordea ID app. The Nordea ID app is now called Nordea ID. It’s the same app as before, just with a different name.
Strong identification will improve the security of online shopping and apply to card payments in any online shops operating within the European Economic Area.
You don’t need to do much.You will only need to download the Nordea ID app with your own bank’s online banking codes at either App Store or Google Play Store.
This is how you can activate the Nordea ID app regardless of which bank’s customer you are
You can confirm any online purchase payments you made with your Stockmann, Finnair Plus or Tuohi Mastercard easily and securely regardless of where you do your banking.
Just follow the steps below:
1) First make sure that the phone number in your customer information is correct. You can check or change your phone number as follows:- In the OmaLuotto serviceOpens new window
- You can also send a message to our Customer Service via OmapostiOpens new window.
2) Download the Nordea ID app free of charge at either the App Store or Google Play Store and activate the app with your own bank’s online banking codes.
(With other banks’ online banking codes, you should select the “I only have a Nordea payment card” option when activating the Nordea ID app.)
When making online purchases with your Stockmann, Finnair Plus or Tuohi Mastercard, you can provide the required strong identification with the Nordea ID app.
If you are already a Nordea personal customer and using the Nordea ID app, you are not required to do anything. You can use the code app as usual for identification while making online purchases.
(As a Nordea personal customer, you should select the “Nordea personal customer” option when activating the Nordea ID app.)
When do I use Nordea ID app and when do I use my bank’s app/authentication method?
If you have a Stockmann, Finnair Plus or Tuohi Mastercard and you are about to make a payment in an online shop or app, you only need Nordea ID app to confirm your purchase. If you are not a Nordea customer, you will use your bank’s (e.g. OP or S-Bank) app/authentication method to verify your identity in all other online services.If you are a Nordea customer, you can use Nordea ID app to deliver strong authentication in all other online services in addition to confirming purchases made with your Mastercard.
Using your card online
As online shopping becomes more and more popular, we want to ensure that you can pay with your card securely online. You can pay for your online purchases with your Mastercard if you have allowed your card to be used online and you are using the Nordea ID app.