Whether your financing need concerns making purchases for yourself or your company, taking out consumer credit or acquiring working capital, Nordea Finance has a solution for you. We provide a quick and hassle-free way for you to apply for finance at your vendor or a Nordea branch.
Why Nordea Finance?
- We help increase sales and customer loyalty. Vendor finance solutions to manufacturers, importers, car dealers, vendors and retailers.
- We offer a wide range of finance solutions to fund equipment and machinery investments
- Asset-based financing through leasing and hire purchase
- We reduce the cost of acquiring equipment and boost the efficiency of their management
- AssetMaster is a solution for acquiring and managing any movable fixed assets
- Fleet services for acquiring and managing car fleets
- We accelerate working capital turnover and reduce risks
- Factoring unlocks capital tied up in account claims.
As a leading finance company in the Nordic countries, we want to offer our customers new opportunities.
New logo, unchanged services
As a leading finance company in the Nordic countries, we want to offer you and your company new opportunities. In line with this, we introduced a logo of our own in early 2021. You can see our logo on our letters, brochures and website.
The introduction of the logo will have no effect on our services, your agreement or our operating models. We remain a strong part of the Nordea Group.
The introduction of a logo of our own reflects our role as a major Nordic finance company. We operate in all the Nordic countries, and our extensive selection of services enables us to offer finance for many different sectors and target groups. The Nordea Finance logo was first introduced in October 2020 when SG Finans became Nordea Finance Equipment.
The Nordea Finance company comprises the following:
- Nordea Finance Finland Ltd
- Tukirahoitus Oy
- Nordea Finans Danmark A/S
- Nordea Finans Norge AS
- Nordea Finans Sverige AB
- Nordea Finance Equipment AS
- Nordea Finance Equipment, Filial af Nordea Finance Equipment AS, Norge
- Nordea Finance Equipment AS, Sverige filial