Shop without regrets – your card's PriceGuard Insurance guarantees you the best price

Have you sometimes found out that an item you just bought is sold cheaper next door? Doesn't that feel annoying? For such situations, your Tuohi Mastercard includes unique PriceGuard Insurance. 

If you find a product you bought with your Tuohi Mastercard at a cheaper price in a Finnish physical or online shop within 30 days, you can seek compensation for the price difference from the PriceGuard Insurance included in your card. If the insurance terms and conditions are met, the difference will be credited to your account directly. The insurance is provided by Tryg. Shop without regrets – the best price guaranteed with PriceGuard Insurance.


Don’t tie yourself to the price of the day

Tuohi Mastercard is the other card for Finns. It’s the number one back-up card you can rely on if you need added security when making a purchasing decision.

The PriceGuard Insurance included in your Tuohi Mastercard is an excellent feature that will save you both time and money. If you have paid for a product with your TUOHI Mastercard but find the product at a shop at a lower price within one month from the purchase date, you will be compensated for the price difference in accordance with the insurance terms and conditions. Hence you don’t have to postpone purchasing a product you need in the hope of a cheaper product or spend time in hunting lower prices.

Besides flexibility, reliability and a financial buffer, Tuohi Mastercard will bring you peace of mind as you know you’ll pay a lower price. It’ll be worth your while to remember the other card. 

“In many situations, the card makes it easier to decide on and make major acquisitions.”

“I filled in the compensation form on my phone, and my application was soon processed.”

“The big advantage of the card is that you don’t have to visit many shops looking for a cheaper offer.”

Automatic additional feature free of charge

PriceGuard Insurance guarantees you the best price on the market. Should you find a lower price for a new item within 30 days from the date of purchase using your Tuohi Mastercard, PriceGuard Insurance covers the price difference. If the insurance terms and conditions are met, the difference will be credited to your account directly.

You may be reimbursed for the price difference if you have paid for the entire purchase with your Tuohi Mastercard, bought the item in a shop located in Finland or in a Finnish online shop and if you attach the offer with the lower price to your claim.

PriceGuard Insurance is an automatic and completely free feature on all Tuohi Mastercards. PriceGuard Insurance is issued by Tryg. Read the insurance terms and conditions.pdf - Opens new window

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Get up to 2,000 euros per year in refunds

The product-specific minimum refund is 20 euros and the maximum refund 500 euros. The maximum annual refund paid by Tryg is 2,000 euros per one Tuohi Mastercard credit card.

The refund does not apply to items purchased for professional use, structures or fixtures, outlet offers, package deals or the purchases you have made in a store upon the granting of the Tuohi Mastercard (if you have applied for the card in one of our partners’ stores). 

Tuohi Mastercard is an international charge and credit card. The annual percentage rate of charge on 1,500 euros of outstanding credit is 28 % and the price of credit is 1,710 euros, when the nominal interest rate is the 3-month Euribor (November 2023) + 14% and the monthly account management fee of 5 euros and the paper invoice fee of 3 euros have been taken into account. Tuohi Mastercard is a continuous credit facility which is valid until further notice, with a credit limit of 2,000–10,000 euros. The credit is granted by Nordea Finance Finland Ltd, Aleksis Kiven katu 9, Helsinki.

How to claim a refund

If you want to file a claim for reimbursement under PriceGuard Insurance, please follow the instructions below.

  1. Fill in the claim onlineOpens new window. Select “Report damage”. After this, select “I’m a private customer” and enter the number and validity period of your Tuohi Mastercard. Proceed as instructed on the claim.
  2. Attach a copy of your Tuohi Mastercard invoice that shows your purchase and a receipt that shows the date, type and price of your purchase to your claim. In addition, attach the offer or advertisement with the lower price for the same item. The invoice and receipt must show that you paid for your entire purchase with your Tuohi Mastercard.
  3. Send your claim to Tryg.
  4. If you are unable to attach the required appendices to the digital claim form, submit the form digitally without the attachments and wait for Tryg to contact you.
  5. For further information: Tryg, Sveavägen 167, 11346 Stockholm, Sweden, tel. +358 800 935 55,, Mon–Fri 8.00–16.00.

Examples of refunds covered by PriceGuard Insurance


Phone in store A 480 €
Phone in store B 370 €

Difference 110 euros

Possibility to get a refund of 110 euros if the insurance terms and conditions are met.


Washing machine in store A 1 400 €
Washing machine in store B 1 200 €

Difference 200 euros

Possibility to get a refund of 200 euros if the insurance terms and conditions are met.

PriceGuard Insurance is issued by Tryg.