Once you have received the first invoice under your car loan agreement, you can opt for e-invoices in Netbank. The e-invoice will show your next repayment and a breakdown of your invoice.
1. Log in to your online bank with your online banking codes and look for e-invoicing instructions.
2. You will need the reference number from your paper invoice.
3. Select the creditor (for example, Nordea Finance; there are multiple options depending on the product) from the creditor list.
4. Confirm your e-invoice order in accordance with your bank’s instructions.
5. The next invoice will arrive in your online bank as an e-invoice.
Please note that the date on which you order the e-invoice determines when you get the first e-invoice. In other words, if your next invoice has already been created, you may still get one more paper invoice sent to your home, after which you will begin to receive e-invoices in your online bank.
Select “Hire purchase/Leasing” as the invoice subject and enter your reference number, which you will find on your invoice. Please note that if you opt for e-invoices less than 21 days before your next due date, your next month’s invoice will be an e-invoice.
Note! You can opt for e-invoicing for your car loan in Netbank if you are a personal customer. If you have taken out a car loan in your company’s name (you are a private trader, for example), you will need to conclude an e-invoicing agreement with us. Order e-invoice.