By keeping your information up to date, you increase your own protection. Up-to-date information allows us to safeguard the financial interests of our corporate customers and to protect them from illegal activity, such as identity theft, hoaxes and phishing.
However, we also have other reasons for asking some of the questions. As one of Europe’s largest banks, Nordea takes its social responsibility seriously. Same as banks, finance companies are subject to many laws including ones that seek to prevent money laundering, terrorism and financial crime.
We always ask questions when establishing a new customer relationship, and we update the information regularly. We may also call you or send the basic information form for you to fill in.
We may use the information provided by you, as applicable, in connection with the financing services for which we as a credit institution are obliged to obtain certain information about our customers, including assessing the suitability of a service for your company. This way, you won’t have to answer the same questions time and again.
We always ask questions when establishing a new customer relationship, and we update the information regularly whenever our corporate customer or its representative contacts us. We may also call you or send the basic information form for you to fill in. The questions are the same as the ones asked at customer meetings.